Live Daytime Entertainment At Whitehorse Pub And Restaurant

Live Daytime Entertainment at Whitehorse Pub & Restaurant


July 15, 2024 until August 29, 2024
Recurring weekly on Monday, Thursday
From: 12:00 PM to 02:00 PM


Whitehorse Restaurant
8 King Square
St Georges SG03
+1 441-297-1838





About Live Daytime Entertainment at Whitehorse Pub & Restaurant

Imagine this: you're sitting in the historic Whitehorse Pub and Restaurant, the aroma of a delicious lunch wafting from your plate. The ambiance is warm and inviting, the walls adorned with memorabilia that tell tales of times gone by. The soft strumming of a guitar fills the air, creating a soothing melody that enhances your dining experience.

Our live time entertainment is not just about music; it's about creating a connection, a shared experience that brings people together. Our talented local musician, Tony B, a seasoned professional with a deep love for music, knows how to engage his audience, making every note count. Whether it's the soft strumming of a guitar, the rhythmic beat of a drum, or the melodious tones of a violin, our Tony B knows how to create a symphony of sounds that captivates his audience.

So, why not make your lunchtime a little more special? Visit the Historic Whitehorse Pub and Restaurant and let the live time entertainment take your dining experience to the next level.



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