New Year’s Day
1 January 2025
Sporting events held island-wide and the Gombeys dance in the streets throughout the neighbourhoods.
Good Friday
18 April 2025
Bermudians traditionally spend the day kite flying in open fields and on beaches such as at Horseshoe Bay Beach and eating codfish cakes and hot cross buns.
Bermuda Day
23 May 2025
Bermuda Day is the highlight of Heritage Month, the month of May. Formerly known as Victoria Day (after Queen Victoria) and later Empire Day, the holiday is now Bermuda Day...a day steeped in tradition. Bermudians traditionally take their first dip in the ocean; sporting events include the Half-Marathon Derby running races, plus fast-paced cycle and roller blade races all between Somerset Island and Pembroke Parish; the Bermuda Fitted Dinghies' first race of the season is held in St. George's Harbour. The afternoon features the colourful and cultural Bermuda Day Parade that winds through the streets of the City of Hamilton.
National Heroes Day
16 June 2025
Every year we honour those individuals or groups who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of Bermuda's heritage and set a shining example of service on behalf of others.
Emancipation Day & Mary Prince Day
31 July & 1 August 2025
Before 1947, too many Bermudians were missing work to attend an annual cricket tournament, the Cup Match. So, it was declared a two-day holiday with historical reason: Emancipation Day commemorates the end of enslavement (August 1, 1834); Mary Prince Day, named after a once enslaved Bermudian who became a hero of the abolitionist movement in Britain. The two full days of cricket are broadcast live on both local radio and TV so you can follow the game while enjoying the beaches and parks or staying home and relaxing.
Labour Day
1 September 2025
The Labour Day holiday activities are organised by the Joint Labour Day Organsing Committee that comprise all of Bermuda's trade unions and the corporate sector. The day's activities include a march, road races, entertainment, cultural food and exhibition.
Remembrance Day
11 November 2025
Bermuda's Fallen Heroes are remembered and honoured in this solemn parade and service held at The Cenotaph on Front Street in the City of Hamilton.
Christmas Day
25 December 2025
Special Nativity Tidings and Christmas Eve midnight candlelight services in all denominations island wide. Explore more Christmas events in Bermuda.
Boxing Day
26 December 2025
Boxing day is traditionally a day to visit friends and family or to receive guests, and finish off the Christmas eats such as cassava pie. Sporting activities include soccer and harness racing. Also, the Gombeys can appear anytime, anywhere!