Exploring Scaur Hill Fort & Park
A great way to start an adventure in a new place is to find higher ground and take in the sights below. Fort Scaur offers some of the best panoramic views of Bermuda – take a picnic and your binoculars for an unforgettable excursion.
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Scaur Hill Fort and Park is located in the western parish of Sandys. If you’re on a scooter, it’s an ideal place to stop on your way to or from Royal Naval Dockyard.
The fort was built in the late 1860s to defend the Royal Naval Dockyard against a possible attack. Tensions were high after the American Civil War and it was feared the triumphant Union would exact revenge on British Bermuda for its support of the Confederacy. (Though officially neutral, Bermuda got rich trading with Confederates as they circumvented the Union blockade of Southern U.S. ports.)
The attack never came, and 70 years later, Americans were posted to the very fort that was built to defend against them. U.S. troops bolstered Bermuda’s defences here during World War II. A decade later, in 1957, Fort Scaur became one of the first fortifications in Bermuda (there are 90 or so) to be opened to the public.
The fort sports cannons, gun emplacements and a cleverly designed defensive moat, which stretches from Ely’s Harbour to the Great Sound and now forms part of a meandering 22-acre garden. Two 64-pound guns (one is still there) were mounted on disappearing carriages that recoiled for reloading after being fired. The fort was built to be barely visible from the sea, and it contains subterranean passages.
Fort Scaur is also home to the venerable old Weather Stone, touted by islanders as a reliable barometer. A notice board helpfully informs visitors to Fort Scaur that “if ever it is white on top, it is snowing”.

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